"Changing Attitudes for Business Success"

Lattitude7 is a learning and development company providing training, consultancy, and social mobility through CSR initiatives.

Martin Haigh Photo

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During the pandemic we have turned our attention to supporting clients through ‘virtual’ means and have created a range of programmes to help various groups. These include:
Hello, how are you? – Leading Remote and Virtual Teams
VIP (Virtual Inspirational Presenting) – how to make compelling presentations through a camera lens
Change Management in a virtual setting – change, but not as we know it
Virtual Coaching and Mentoring – how to support others when you can’t physically be together
Get Ready for Work – Employability training covering hard skills and soft skills
Re-entry – helping managers and employees cope on their return to work after the furlough period


Contact Martin now for further information

Your ALTITUDE is governed by your ATTITUDE. Change your attitude with LATTITUDE7