"Changing Attitudes for Business Success"

Lattitude7 is a learning and development company providing training, consultancy, and social mobility through CSR initiatives.

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Team Building Image
Team Building Exercise
Team Building Event

Team Building

Do you feel that your team members are working hard but are not all driving in the same direction? Are the communications and understanding between the players not what they should be?

Then welcome to the Team Building Adventure…

Benefits from Lattitude7’s Team Building Adventure include:
Happy people in an atmosphere of reduced demarcation, working together towards a common goal. These attributes can improve staff-customer relationships which leads to retention of current clients and also attracts new business.

The return on investment is people, working in harmony, having the ability to drive their businesses to exceed expectations.

The Team Building Adventure

Using fun events to build harmony and interactions, The Team Building Adventure enables you to explore:

  1. The company vision
  2. The roles of team members
  3. Personalities within your team
  4. Any barriers to growth
  5. New approaches to harmonious working

Leading to the:

  1. Consolidation of teams working to individual strengths
  2. Promotion of collective working for improved business performance

What you can expect

The Team Building Adventure is a total turnkey solution, from needs analysis, programme design, delivery and follow-up. Programmes are always tailored to meet client needs and, are usually between one and three days duration. Sessions can be spaced to fit with your company’s commitments.


Contact Martin now for further information

Your ALTITUDE is governed by your ATTITUDE. Change your attitude with LATTITUDE7